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Shift Left Testing
The practice of Shifting Testing Left is intended to find and prevent defects early in the software delivery process. This idea borrows from the teachings of Dr. Deming in his 14 points that we need to prevent defects instead of detecting them. The idea is to improve quality by moving tasks to the left as early in the lifecycle as possible. Shift Left testing means testing earlier in the software development process.

In the traditional software development V model, requirements are kept on the left side of the plan, and the delivery and testing requirements are on the right side. The problem is that these practices can’t handle changing expectations and requirements, and they lead to negative outcomes for the business such as increased costs, increased time to market, and unexpected errors. An excellent breakdown of the 4 types of shifting left testing are covered by Donald Firesmith from the Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute.

Continuous Testing
The term Continuous Testing refers to the process of executing automated tests throughout the delivery pipeline, thereby giving teams the earliest possible feedback (Feedback Loops) about the quality of the code, and timely information about the risks associated with deploying that code to production.

Continuous Testing also takes into consideration all of the measures that an organization takes to build testing into the development and delivery process, from specification to design, to coding to integration to production.

Continuous Testing is often thought to be the same as test automation, but a more expansive definition includes activities that cannot be automated but can be “shifted left,” such as the integration of testability into the design process or the earliest possible acquisition of user or customer feedback.
